ޖުމުލަ އަކަމިނަށް ބަލައިގެން ތަރުތީބުކުރެވިފައިވާ ޤައުމުތަކުގެ ލިސްޓު
މި ޕޭޖް ދިވެހި ބަހަށް ތަރުޖަމާ ކުރަން ބޭނުންވެއެވެ. މި ޞަފްޙާ ލިޔެފައިވަނީ ދިވެހިބަސް ނޫން އެހެން ބަހަކުންނެވެ. އެއީ އެ ބަހުގެ ޖަމާޢަތުގެ ކިޔުންތެރިންނަށް ޚާއްޞަ ކުރެވިފައިވާ އެއްޗެއް ނަމަ، އެ ބަހުން ވިކިޕީޑިއާއަށް ކޮންޓްރިބިއުޓް ކުރަން ޖެހެއެވެ. |
This is a list of the countries of the world sorted by total area. މި ލިސްޓުގައި ސޮވަރިން ސްޓޭޓްތަކުގެ އިތުރުން އަމިއްލައަށް ވެރިކަންކުރާ ޑިޕެންޑެންޓް ޓެރިޓަރީތައް ވެސް ރޭންކްކޮށްފައިވެ އެވެ. Total areas are included, covering land and inland water bodies (lakes, reservoirs, rivers). Marine internal waters, territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zones are not included, nor are various countries' claims to parts of Antarctica. For a graphical version of this list, see List of countries by area (graphical). For geographic entities other than countries, see List of major geographic bodies by area.
- The Earth's total surface area is 510,065,284 km² — 70.8% of the world's surface (361,126,221 km²) is covered by water, while 29.2% (148,939,063 km²) is covered by land.
- Self-governing dependent territories (as classified by the UN) are listed and ranked separately from their sovereign state and are set off in italics.
Rank | Country | Area (km²) | Notes |
1 | ރޫސީވިލާތް | 17,098,242 | Prior to its dissolution in 1991, the Soviet Union had an area of 22,402,200 km².[ރެފަރެންސް ބޭނުންވޭ] |
2 | ކެނެޑާ | 9,970,610 | Total surface area is 9,984,670 km² according to Statistics Canada |
3,4 (disputed) | People's Republic of China (PRC) | 9,598,0861 ނުވަތަ 9,640,8212 | Total of separate UN figures for mainland China and the Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong (1,099 km²) and Macau (26 km²). Both values exclude the disputed territories of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu which the Republic of China (Taiwan) has continued to govern after the PRC replaced it on the mainland. 1 Excludes all disputed territories. |
އެމެރިކާ | 9,629,091 | Includes the 50 states and District of Columbia, and Indian Reservations. | |
5 | ބުރެޒިލް | 8,514,877 | Includes Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Atol das Rocas, Ilha da Trindade, Ilhas Martim Vaz, and Penedos de São Pedro e São Paulo. All islands together make 365 km² (less than 0.003% of all continental territory). |
6 | އޮސްޓަރުލިޔާ | 7,741,220 | Includes Lord Howe Island and Macquarie Island. Excludes claims on Antarctica (Australian Antarctic Territory, 6,119,818 km²). |
7 | އިންޑިޔާ | 3,166,4141 ނުވަތަ 3,287,2632 | 1 Excludes non-Indian-administered disputed territories (Aksai Chin, Trans-Karakoram Tract, Azad Kashmir, and Northern Areas). Includes all Indian-administered territories,which contains the China claimed Arunachal Pradesh or South Tibet Figure from Census India. 2 Includes all disputed territories. Second-largest country in Asia |
8 | އާޖެންޓީނާ | 2,780,400 | Does not include claims on the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands and on Antarctica. |
9 | ކަޒަކިސްތާން | 2,724,900 | |
10 | ސޫދާން | 2,505,813 | Largest country in Africa |
11 | ޖަޒާއިރު | 2,381,741 | Second-largest country in Africa |
12 | ކޮންގޯ (ދިމިޤްރާޠީ ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ) | 2,344,858 | Third-largest country in Africa |
13 | ގުރީންލޭންޑު | 2,175,600 | A self-governing area of Denmark. |
14 | ސައޫދީ އަރަބިއްޔާ | 2,149,690 | |
15 | މެކްސިކޯ | 1,958,201 | |
16 | އިންޑޮނޭޝިޔާ | 1,904,569 | |
17 | ލީބިޔާ | 1,759,540 | |
18 | އީރާން | 1,648,195 | |
19 | މޮންގޯލިއާ | 1,564,116 | |
20 | ޕެރޫ | 1,285,216 | |
21 | ޝާދު | 1,284,000 | |
22 | ނީޖަރު | 1,267,000 | |
23 | އެންގޯލާ | 1,246,700 | |
24 | މާލީ | 1,240,192 | |
25 | ދެކުނު އެފްރިކާ | 1,221,037 | Includes Prince Edward Islands (Marion Island and Prince Edward Island). |
26 | ކޮލަންބިއާ | 1,138,914 | Colombian census figure is 1,141,748 which includes three special districts and San Andrés y Providencia islands (disputed territories with Nicaragua). |
27 | ޙަބުޝްކަރަ | 1,104,300 | |
28 | ބޮލީވިއާ | 1,098,581 | |
29 | މޮރިޓާނިއާ | 1,025,520 | |
30 | މިޞްރު | 1,001,449 | Including the Hala'ib Triangle. |
31 | ޓެންޒޭނިއާ | 945,087 | Includes the islands of Mafia, Pemba, and Zanzibar. |
32 | ނައިޖީރިއާ | 923,768 | |
33 | ވެނެޒުއޭލާ | 912,050 | Does not include claims on Guayana Esequiba. If included, the area would be 1,075,945 and 29th. |
34 | Namibia | 824,292 | |
35 | މުސިންބީ | 801,590 | |
36 | ޕާކިސްތާން | 796,0951 ނުވަތަ 880,2542 | 1 Excludes all disputed territories. 2 Includes Pakistani-administered disputed territories (Azad Kashmir and Northern Areas). |
37 | ތުރުކީވިލާތް | 783,562 | |
38 | ޗިލީ | 756,096 | Includes Easter Island (Isla de Pascua; Rapa Nui) and Isla Sala y Gómez, excludes claims on Antarctica. |
39 | ޒެމްބިއާ | 752,618 | |
40 | ބަރުމާ | 676,578 | |
41 | އަފްޣާނިސްތާން | 652,090 | |
42 | ސޯމާލިއާ | 637,657 | |
43 | މެދުތެރޭ އެފްރިކާގެ ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ | 622,984 | |
44 | ޔުކްރެއިން | 603,700 | |
45 | މަޑަގަސްކަރަ | 587,041 | |
46 | ބޮޓުސްވާނާ | 581,730 | |
47 | ކެންޔާ | 580,367 | |
48 | ފަރަންސޭސިވިލާތް | 551,500 | Includes Metropolitan France only; the entire French Republic (excluding Adélie Land) covers 674,843 km². |
49 | ޔަމަން | 527,968 | Includes Perim, Socotra, the former Yemen Arab Republic (YAR or North Yemen), and the former People's Democratic Republic of Yemen (PDRY or South Yemen). |
50 | ސިޔާމު | 513,115 | |
51 | އިސްޕެއިން | 505,992 | Includes the 17 autonomous communities (two of which are the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands), the two African autonomous cities (Ceuta and Melilla), and three small Spanish possessions off the coast of Morocco – Islas Chafarinas, Peñón de Alhucemas, and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera. |
52 | ތުރުކުމެނިސްތާން | 488,100 | |
53 | ކެމަރޫން | 475,442 | |
54 | ޕަޕުއާ ނިއު ގިނީ | 462,840 | |
55 | ސުވިޑަން | 449,964 | Includes Gotland and Öland. |
56 | އުޒްބެކިސްތާން | 447,400 | |
57 | މައުރިބު | 446,550 | Excluding Western Sahara. |
58 | ޢިރާޤު | 438,317 | |
59 | ޕެރަގުއޭ | 406,752 | |
60 | ޒިމްބާބުވޭ | 390,757 | |
61 | ނޯވޭ | 385,155 | Includes the integral overseas territories of Svalbard and Jan Mayen; excludes the dependency of Bouvet Island and the Antarctic dependency claims of Queen Maud Land and Peter I Island (if included Norway would be 8th). |
62 | ޖަޕާނު | 377,873 | Includes Ryukyu Islands (Nansei Islands), Daito Islands, Ogasawara Islands (Bonin Islands), Minami-Torishima (Marcus Island), Okino-Torishima and Volcano Islands (Kazan Islands); excludes the southern Kuril Islands. |
63 | ޖަރުމަނުވިލާތް | 357,022 | |
64 | ކޮންގޯ (ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ) | 342,000 | |
65 | ފިންލޭންޑު | 338,145 | Includes Åland. |
66 | ވިއެޓުނާމު | 331,689 | |
67 | މެލޭޝިޔާ | 329,847 | |
68 | Côte d'Ivoire | 322,463 | |
69 | ޕޮލެންޑު | 312,685 | |
70 | ޢުމާން | 309,500 | |
71 | އިޓަލީވިލާތް | 301,318 | |
72 | ފިލިޕީންސް | 300,000 | |
73 | އިކުއެޑޯރު | 283,561 | Includes Galápagos Islands. |
74 | ބުރުކީނާ ފާސޯ | 274,000 | |
75 | ނިއުޒިލޭންޑު | 270,534 | Includes Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Bounty Islands, Campbell Island, Chatham Islands, and Kermadec Islands; excludes Ross Dependency and Tokelau. |
76 | ގެބޯން | 267,668 | |
77 | ހުޅަނގު ސަހަރާ | 266,000 | Largely occupied by Morocco, some territory administered by the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. |
78 | ގީނިއާ | 245,857 | |
79 | ޔުނައިޓެޑް ކިންގްޑަމް | 242,900 | Includes the four constituent countries, excludes the three Crown dependencies (768 km²), the 13 British overseas territories (17,027 km²) and the British Antarctic Territory (1,395,000 km²). |
80 | ޔުގެންޑާ | 241,038 | |
81 | ގާނާ | 238,533 | |
82 | ރުމޭނިއާ | 238,391 | |
83 | ލާއޯސް | 236,800 | |
84 | ގުޔާނާ | 214,969 | |
85 | ބެލަރޫސް | 207,600 | |
86 | ކިރިގިސްތާން | 199,900 | |
87 | ސެނެގާލް | 196,722 | |
88 | ސޫރިޔާ | 185,180 ނުވަތަ 183,885 | The higher figure includes the Golan Heights. |
89 | ކެންބޯޑިއާ | 181,035 | |
90 | އުރުގުއޭ | 175,016 | |
91 | ސުރިނާމް | 163,820 | |
92 | ތޫނިސް | 163,610 | |
93 | ނޭޕާލް | 147,181 | |
94 | ބަންގާޅު | 143,998 | |
95 | ތަޖިކިސްތާން | 143,100 | |
96 | ޔޫނާން | 131,957 | |
97 | ނިކަރާގުއާ | 130,000 | Excludes San Andrés y Providencia islands (disputed territories with Colombia). |
98 | އުތުރު ކޮރެއާ | 120,538 | |
99 | މަލާވީ | 118,484 | |
100 | އެރިތުރިއާ | 117,600 | Includes Badme region. |
101 | ބެނީން | 112,622 | |
102 | ހޮންޑިއުރަސް | 112,088 | |
103 | ލައިބީރިއާ | 111,369 | |
104 | ބަލްގޭރިއާ | 110,912 | |
105 | ކިއުބާ | 110,861 | Cuba is the largest and most populous country in the Caribbean |
106 | ގުއަޓެމާލާ | 108,889 | |
107 | އައިސްލަންޑަން | 103,000 | |
108 | ދެކުނު ކޮރެއާ | 99,538 | |
109 | ހަންގޭރީ | 93,032 | |
110 | ޕޯޗުގަލް | 91,982 | Includes Azores and Madeira Islands. |
111 | ފަރަންސޭސި ގީނާ | 90,000 | French overseas département. |
112 | އުރުދުން | 89,342 | |
113 | ސާބިއާ | 88,361[1] | Includes UN-administered territory of Kosovo. |
114 | އަޒަރުބައިޖާން | 86,600 | Includes the exclave of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic and the Nagorno-Karabakh region. |
115 | އޮސްޓްރިއާ | 83,858 | |
116 | އެކުވެރި ޢަރަބި އިމާރާތު | 83,600 | |
117 | ޗެކް ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ | 78,866 | |
118 | ޕެނަމާ | 75,517 | |
119 | ސެރެލިއޯން | 71,740 | |
120 | އަޔަލޭންޑުގެ ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ | 70,273 | |
121 | ޖޯޖިޔާ | 69,700 | Includes Abkhazia and South Ossetia |
122 | އޮޅުދޫކަރަ | 65,610 | |
123 | ލިތުއޭނިއާ | 65,300 | |
124 | ލެޓުވިއާ | 64,600 | |
125 | ޓޯގޯ | 56,785 | |
126 | ކުރޮއޭޝިއާ | 56,538 | |
127 | ބޮސްނިޔާ އެންޑް ހެރްޒިގޮވީނާ | 51,197 | |
128 | ކޮސްޓަރީކާ | 51,100 | Includes Isla del Coco. |
129 | ސުލޮވާކިއާ | 49,033 | |
130 | ޑޮމިނިކަން ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ | 48,671 | Includes The Mainland Dominican Republic, Saona Island, And others under Control Of Dominican Government |
131 | ބޫޓާން | 47,000 | |
132 | އެސްޓޯނިއާ | 45,100 | Includes 1,520 islands in the Baltic Sea. |
133 | ޑެންމާކު | 43,094 | Includes Denmark proper only; the entire Kingdom of Denmark, including Greenland and Faroe Islands covers 2,220,093 km² and would be 13th. |
134 | ނެދަލޭންޑު | 41,528 | Includes the Netherlands proper only; the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands covers 42,437 km². |
135 | ސުވިޒަލޭންޑު | 41,284 | |
136 | ގީނީ-ބިސާއޫ | 36,125 | |
137 | ޖުމްހޫރީ ޗައިނާ (ޓައިވާން) | 35,980[2] | Includes only the territories under the administration of the ROC, namely Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu. The ROC's existence as a distinct political entity is disputed. |
138 | މޮލްޑޯވާ | 33,851 | Includes Transnistria (Pridnestrovie). |
139 | ބެލްޖިއަމް | 30,528 | |
140 | ލެސޯތޯ | 30,355 | |
141 | އަރުމީނިއާ | 29,800 | Excludes Nagorno-Karabakh. |
142 | ސޮލޮމޮން ޖަޒީރާ | 28,896 | |
143 | އަލްބޭނިއާ | 28,748 | |
144 | އިކުއެޓޯރިއަލް ގިނީ | 28,051 | |
145 | ބުރުންޑީ | 27,834 | |
146 | ހެއިޓީ | 27,750 | |
147 | ރުވާންޑާ | 26,338 | |
148 | ފަންވަތް:Country data Republic of Macedonia Republic of Macedonia | 25,713 | |
149 | ޖިބުތީ | 23,200 | |
150 | ބެލީޒު | 22,966 | |
151 | އިސްރާއީލު | 22,145 ނުވަތަ 20,770 | The higher figure includes the Golan Heights. Both figures exclude the West Bank and Gaza Strip. |
152 | އެލްސެލްވަޑޯރު | 21,041 | |
153 | ސުލޮވީނިއާ | 20,256 | |
154 | ނިއު ކެލެޑޯނިއާ | 18,575 | French dependency. |
155 | ފިޖީ | 18,274 | |
156 | ކުވެއިތު | 17,818 | |
157 | Swaziland | 17,364 | |
158 | އިރުމަތީ ޓިމޯރު | 14,874 | |
159 | މޮންޓެނީގުރޯ | 14,026[3] | |
160 | ބަހާމަސް | 13,878 | |
161 | ވަނުއާޓޫ | 12,189 | |
162 | ފޯލްކުލޭންޑު ޖަޒީރާ | 12,173 | Overseas territory of the UK. Claimed by Argentina. Excludes South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. |
163 | ގެމްބިއާ | 11,295 | |
164 | ޤަޠަރު | 11,000 | |
165 | ޖެމެއިކާ | 10,991 | |
166 | ލުބުނާން | 10,400 | |
167 | ސައިޕްރަސް | 9,251 | Includes Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (only recognised by Turkey) and British sovereign military bases (Akrotiri and Dhekelia). |
168 | ޕުއެރްތޮ ރީކޯ | 8,875 | Commonwealth of the United States. |
169 | Palestinian territories | 6,020 | The figure consists of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. |
170 | ބުރުނައީ | 5,765 | |
171 | ޓުރިނިޑާޑް ޓޮބޭގޯ | 5,130 | |
172 | ކޭޕް ވާޑޭ | 4,033 | |
173 | ފަރަންސޭސި ޕޮލިނޭޝިއާ | 4,000 | French overseas collectivity. |
174 | ސަމޯއާ | 2,831 | |
175 | Luxembourg | 2,586 | |
176 | Réunion | 2,510 | French overseas département. |
177 | ޖުޒުރުޤަމަރު | 2,235 | Listed figure includes Mayotte (374 km²[4]). The figure without Mayotte is 1,862 km².[5] |
178 | މޮރިޝަސް | 2,040 | Includes Agalega Islands, Cargados Carajos Shoals (Saint Brandon), and Rodrigues. |
179 | ގޯޑިލޫޕު | 1,705 | French overseas département includes La Désirade, Marie Galante, Les Saintes, Saint-Barthélemy and Saint Martin (French part). |
180 | ފަރޮއޭ ޖަޒީރާ | 1,399 | A self-governing area of Denmark. |
181 | މާޓިނީކޫ | 1,102 | French overseas département. |
182 | ފަންވަތް:Country data Sao Tome and Principe ސައޮ ތޯމޭ އަދި ޕުރިންސިޕޭ | 964 | |
183 | ޓާކަސް އަދި ކައިކޯ ޖަޒީރާ | 948 | Overseas territory of the UK. Area includes protected waters. |
184 | ނެދަލޭންޑު އެންޓިލޭ | 800 | Autonomous area of the Netherlands; includes Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, and Sint Maarten (Dutch part of the island of Saint Martin). |
185 | ޑޮމިނިކާ | 751 | |
186 | ޓޮންގާ | 747 | |
187 | ކިރިބަތީ | 726 | Includes three island groups - Gilbert Islands, Line Islands, Phoenix Islands. |
188 | ފަންވަތް:Country data Micronesia މައިކްރޮނޭޝިއާ | 702 | Includes Pohnpei (Ponape), Chuuk (Truk) Islands, Yap Islands, and Kosrae (Kosaie). |
189 | ބަޙްރައިން | 694 | |
190 | ސިންގަޕޫރު | 683 | Area is 704 km² according to Statistics Singapore. |
191 | އައިޒަލް އޮފް މޭން | 572 | Crown dependency of the UK. |
192 | ގުއާމު | 549 | Organized unincorporated territory of the USA. |
193 | ސަންތި ލޫސިއާ | 539 | |
194 | އެންޑޯރާ | 468 | |
195 | އުތުރު މެރިއާނާ ޖަޒީރާ | 464 | Commonwealth in political union with the USA; includes 14 islands including Saipan, Rota, and Tinian. |
196 | ޕަލާއޫ | 459 | |
197 | ތޭންގަދީބު | 455 | |
198 | އެންޓިގުއާ އަދި ބާބިއުޑާ | 442 | Includes Redonda, 1.6 km². |
199 | ބާބަޑޮސް | 430 | |
200 | ސަންތި ވިސެންޓޭ އަދި ގުރެނާޑީން | 388 | |
201 | އެމެރިކާގެ ވާޖިން ޖަޒީރާ | 347 | Unincorporated, organized territory of the USA. |
202 | ގެރެންޑާ | 344 | |
203 | މޯލްޓާ | 316 | |
204 | ދިވެހިރާއްޖެ | 298 | |
205 | ކޭމަން ޖަޒީރާ | 264 | Overseas territory of the UK. |
206 | ސަންތި ކިޓަސް އަދި ނޭވީސް | 261 | |
207 | ނީއު | 260 | Self-governing nation in free association with New Zealand. |
208 | ސަންތި ޕިއޭރޭ އާއި މިކުއެލޯން | 242 | French overseas collectivity; includes eight small islands in the Saint Pierre and the Miquelon groups. |
209 | ކުކް ޖަޒީރާ | 236 | Self-governing in free association with New Zealand. |
210 | ވާލީ އަދި ފުތޫނާ | 200 | French overseas collectivity; includes Île Uvéa (Wallis Island), Île Futuna (Futuna Island), Île Alofi, and 20 islets. |
211 | އެމެރިކަން ސަމޯއާ | 199 | Unorganized, unincorporated territory of the USA; includes Rose Island and Swains Island. |
212 | މާޝަލް ޖަޒީރާ | 181 | Includes the atolls of Bikini, Enewetak, Kwajalein, Majuro, Rongelap, and Utirik. |
213 | އަރޫބާ | 180 | Self-governing part of the Netherlands. |
214 | ލީޝްތެންސްޓީން | 160 | |
215 | ބިރިޓިޝް ވާޖިން ޖަޒީރާ | 151 | Overseas territory of the UK; comprised of 16 inhabited and more than 20 uninhabited islands; includes the island of Anegada. |
216 | ސަންތި ހެލީނާ | 122 | Overseas territory of the UK; excluding dependencies. |
217 | ޖާސޭ | 116 | Crown dependency of the UK. |
218 | މޮންސެރާޓު | 102 | Overseas territory of the UK. |
219 | Tristan da Cunha | 98 | Dependency of St Helena (UK). Area refers to the main island only (the only inhabited island). Total area is 201 km².[6] |
220 | އަންގީލާ | 91 | Overseas territory of the UK. |
221 | Ascension Island | 88 | Dependency of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena. |
222 | Guernsey | 78 | Crown dependency of the UK; includes Alderney, Guernsey, Herm, Sark, and some other smaller islands. |
223 | ސަން މަރީނޯ | 61 | |
224 | ބާމިއުޑާ | 53 | Overseas territory of the UK. |
225 | Norfolk Island | 36 | Self-governing area of Australia. |
226 | ތުވާލޫ | 26 | |
227 | ނައުރޫ | 21 | |
228 | ތޮކެލާއު | 12 | ނިއުޒީލެންޑްގެ ޓެރިޓަރީ އެވެ. |
229 | ޖަބަލްޠާރިޤު | 6 | Overseas territory of the UK. |
230 | ޕިޓަކިރިން ޖަޒީރާ | 5 | Colony of the UK. |
231 | މޮނާކޯ | 1.95[7] | |
232 | ވެޓިކަން ސިޓީ | 0.44[8] |
އުނިއިތުރު ގެންނަވާ- UN Demographic Yearbook accessed April 16 2007 unless otherwise specified.
އެހެން ރިފަރެންސްތަކެވެ
އުނިއިތުރު ގެންނަވާ- ↑ "CIA fatcbook - Serbia". Archived from the original on 1224034740. Retrieved 1244401372.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ↑ "CIA Factbook - Taiwan". Archived from the original on 1293583187. Retrieved 1244027975.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ↑ "CIA Factbook - Montenegro". Archived from the original on 1252730315. Retrieved 1244027975.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ↑ "CIA Factbook - Mayotte". Archived from the original on 1348217192. Retrieved 1244027975.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ↑ "Archive copy". Archived from the original on 1182878457. Retrieved 1180516936.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help)CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) - ↑ xist.org - Saint Helena
- ↑ "Monaco government" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 1183427216. Retrieved 1180516936.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help) - ↑ "CIA Factbook - Vatican City". Archived from the original on 1608755945. Retrieved 1244027975.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|access-date=
(help); Unknown parameter|dead-url=
ignored (|url-status=
suggested) (help)
See also
އުނިއިތުރު ގެންނަވާ- Principality of Sealand (sometimes reported as the smallest country)
- List of major geographic bodies by area
- List of islands by area
- Orders of magnitude (area)