Documentation icon ފަންވަތް ޑޮކިއުމަންޓޭޝަން[view] [edit] [history] [ޕާރޖް]

Parameters އުނިއިތުރު ގެންނަވާ

Parameter Remark / Example Directory
world_coin_gallery_1_url This parameter fills the blank in
Example: Antilles
world_coin_gallery_1_name The name displayed to readers
Example: Netherlands Antilles
world_coin_gallery_1_anchor This parameter fills the blank in
Example: Taiwan
banknote_world_1_url This parameter fills the blank in
Example: gambia
[2] mirror
banknote_world_1_name The name displayed to readers
Example: The Gambia
banknote_world_1_anchor This parameter fills the blank in
Example: iran-azerbaijan
dollarization_1_url This parameter fills the blank in
Example: as
[3] mirror
dollarization_1_name The name displayed to readers
Example: American Samoa
gfd_1_url This parameter fills the blank in
Example: Congo,_Democratic_Republic_of_(Kinshasa)
gfd_1_name The name displayed to readers
Example: Democratic Republic of the Congo
gfd_data_1_url This parameter fills the blank in
Example: 5529
gfd_data_1_name The name displayed to readers
Example: Congo Democratic Republic Franc
show_gfd_excel Any non-empty value shows a link to

Increment the number to update to 10 links of the same type (except gfd_data_*, where only 5 are allow), mutatis mutandis.

Blank އުނިއިތުރު ގެންނަވާ

{{Standard numismatics external links
| world_coin_gallery_1_url  = 
| world_coin_gallery_1_name = 
| banknote_world_1_url      = 
| banknote_world_1_name     = 
| dollarization_1_url       = 
| dollarization_1_name      = 
| gfd_1_url                 = 
| gfd_1_name                = 
| gfd_data_1_url            = 
| gfd_data_1_name           = 
| show_gfd_excel            = Y

Examples އުނިއިތުރު ގެންނަވާ

See what links here.